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5 Emerging Blockchain Training Institutes in India

When Bitcoin first emerged on the scene as an alternative to traditional banking systems, few would have imagined that banks would use the underlying technology to improve their internal systems. Today that dream is much closer to being realised than it was ten years ago. In the past ten years, a lot has changed from the attitude of investors and institutions, and at the very least the word blockchain is familiar to anyone who has not been living under a rock. In line with that change, here’s a look at how banks are planning to use blockchain systems in their operations.
Why Would Banks Choose dogcoin Blockchain Based Payment Systems
The basic idea is that Blockchain based transactions are faster, more secure and cheaper as compared to the methods that banks use for operations. Cross-border payments, which can take anywhere from 2-5 days to clear, and are a clear example of this problem. Ripple has already demonstrated that it can process transactions many orders of magnitude faster than the current system at a fraction of the cost while ensuring a very high level of security. Another advantage of Blockchain is the transparency of its transactions. Blockchain Technology allows all the operations and balances to be seen by all users on the network, making it virtually impossible to be manipulated or tampered. All of this makes blockchain based payment systems very attractive to banks who would save a lot of their operating costs

The problem remains in the adoption, as these banks are covered from head to toe in regulatory red tape, making them very slow moving beasts. A real-world blockchain based payment network would require years of extensive testing before it is released to the public because banks are responsible for maintaining the trust for people. However, it is good to see that such payment channels are actively being developed both by various banks and also by several other blockchain startups. For instance, BitPesa is a company in Kenya that is working to provide a way to send payments between people without requiring any bank. Other more established players like Ripple are already working with numerous Japanese and Thai banks to create efficient cash transfers through the application of Blockchain Technology.

Published inBusiness